¿Who we are?

¿Who we are?

Who we are?

We are Avanzar, the Association for the Advancement of Clinical Research (CR) in Colombia, a non-profit scientific entity, which since 1999, through non-continuing education and other actions, encourages, favors, advises, facilitates and contributes to the development of Clinical Research (CR) in the country.


Promoting understanding of the of clinical research discipline in the medical community, pharmaceutical industry, the academy and the general public.
Serving as a forum for the discussion of conceptual, ethical, procedural and scientific facts involved in the design, organization, execution and analysis of clinical studies and other epidemiological studies using similar methods.
Promoting a favorable environment for the development of clinical studies by stimulating scientific, technical, legal and regulatory conditions, sufficient to guarantee first level research in Colombia.


Generating the favorable climate required for clinical research, through a permanent effort to educate interested parties, promote research methodology and stimulate sponsors to increase the number and quality of clinical studies in Colombia.


AVANZAR seeks to place Colombia at the forefront of Latin American clinical research by supporting an accelerated evolution of all parties involved in this discipline.

Board of Directors

2022 - 2024

  • President
    Henry García
  • Vicepresident
    Ivonne Vanegas
  • Secretary
    Giovanna Hernández
  • Treasurer
    Francia Vargas
  • Member
    Claudia Deaza
  • Member
    James Eastmond
  • Member
    Carolina Duque
  • Member
    Camilo Díaz


The Association for the Advancement of Clinical Research in Colombia, Avanzar, was born on July 23, 1999 as an initiative of six Medical Directors of multinational pharmaceutical laboratories with the support of AFIDRO, and as a response to the felt need to promote and encourage a favorable environment for the development of clinical research in the country. It aims to motivate the understanding of this discipline in the medical community, regulatory entities, the pharmaceutical industry, the academy and the general public.

Among the honorary members are Dr. Rodolfo Llinás, Dr. Angela Restrepo and Dr. Salomón Hakim, for their own merits and for their national and international scientific background.

Currently, Avanzar, as an independent and scientific association, has more than one hundred and thirty members from the Academy, Medical Directors of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Colombia, CRO’s, and Research Centers. The Association of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Laboratories is one of its founding members.

Within the academic activities, Avanzar has held 7 Clinical Research national congresses, GCP courses aimed at: coordinators, monitors, researchers, research centers, ethics committees, medical schools, pharmaceutical industry, health authorities, IPS, HCP, with the participation of speakers of great academic and scientific recognition, in-depth courses on different topics: Informed Consent, Ethics Committees, Pharmacovigilance, Legal and Regulatory Aspects, and How a Research Center should be prepared for a Monitoring, Audit and Inspection.

Avanzar has publications of great interest such as: The ICH/ GCP Guide translated into Spanish with 2 editions, Pharmacovigilance Manual with 2 editions, Avanzar Forum, the ABC of in the Construction and Operation of Research Ethics Committees, creation of the CROs chapter.
